An introduction to E-Prime

Laurence Richard, Dominic Charbonneau
2009 Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology  
When running an experiment, precision is essential to ensure results are as exact as possible. Thus, computers, which offer endless accuracy, have become an inevitable tool to design experiments. To avoid programming from scratch for each new situation, a program, E-Prime, has been created to ease the conception of experiments. E-Prime, developed by PSTNet, offers a user-friendly interface that makes typical experiments easy to create. This paper shows how to effortlessly create an experiment
more » ... th E-Prime, followed by a simple example. (2004) is a program designed to facilitate the conception of any experiment that uses a computer as an interface between the subject and the experimenter. It can also run the experiment, collect the results, do some basic data analysis and export said data. These options are parsed through the five programs that constitute E-Prime: E-Studio, E-Run, E-DataAid, E-Merge and E-Recovery. E-Prime E-Studio E-Studio is the subprogram of E-Prime dedicated to the creation of experiments. It is the main program that comes with E-Prime.
doi:10.20982/tqmp.05.2.p068 fatcat:wwbbbezfpzhfvg4qxhk7mrul5q