Transformation of sociological ambivalence in high school sport team members

Atsuo Sugimoto
1986 Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Sciences)  
Abstmct High school sport team members experience various sociological ambivalence in process of in − volving themselves in sport teams . The purpose of the present paper is to investigate dleir value orientations of sport team activities through the analyses of their ambivalence transformation , The data was obtained by sequential surveys conducted in June and November l9840n 486 junior and senior high school sport team members , and multi − dimensional analyses ( factor analysis and Hayashi '
more » ... s quantification thθory II and III ) were applied to the data . Main findings are as follows : 1 ) The ambivalence of c。mpetition vs . cooperation is easy to be transfomed , while those of egoism vs . altruism and dogmatis 皿 vs . literalism tend to be continuous . 2) Continuous ambivalence for boys 韮 s sut 珈 蝕 蜘 n 如 α μ '
doi:10.5432/jjpehss.kj00003392270 fatcat:zldxg4kwxfej3gnbcm5nw5n6ly