Mnemonics for War: Trench Art and the Reconciliation of Public and Private Memory

Clare Whittingham
2008 Past Imperfect  
The study of British First World War memorials has generated a considerable body of literature since its emergence as a scholarly field in the 1990s. Less attention has been devoted, however, to commemorative objects of a smaller and more personal character that were collected during and after 1914-1918 for display in homes and museums. This paper finds 'trench art', battlefield souvenirs and commercially produced war kitsch negotiating the gap between civilian and military experiences of war
more » ... d its translation into memory. Particular consideration is given to the Imperial War Museum as representative of institutional attitudes towards this unique and still-contested category of unconventionally commemorative material.
doi:10.21971/p76306 fatcat:5uby22iwfnduxdmzojmq5legmq