Evaporation‐Induced Self‐Assembly of Small Peptide‐Conjugated Silica Nanoparticles

Cornelia Baeckmann, Guilherme M. D. M. Rubio, Hanspeter Kählig, Dennis Kurzbach, Michael R. Reithofer, Freddy Kleitz
2021 Angewandte Chemie  
Self-assembly processes guide disordered molecules or particles into long-range organized structures due to specific supramolecular interactions among the building entities. Herein, we report a unique evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) strategy for four different silica nanoparticle systems obtained through peptide functionalization of the particle surface. First, covalent peptide-silica coupling was investigated in detail, starting with the grafting of a single amino acid (Lserine) and
more » ... panded to specific small peptides (up to four amino acids) and transferred to different particle types (MCM-48-type MSNs, solid nanoparticles, and newly developed viruslike nanoparticles). These materials were investigated regarding their ability to undergo EISA, which was shown to be independent of particle type and amount of peptide anchored to their surface. This EISA-based approach provides new possibilities for the design of future advanced drug delivery systems, engineered hierarchical sorbents, and nanocatalyst assemblies.
doi:10.1002/ange.202108378 fatcat:fmw2z6ef5bd5zkotuo4vp7x3om