A Descriptive 3D City Information Model Built From Infrastructure BIM

Augusto Pimentel Pereira, Marcio Buzzo, Ingrid Zimermann, Frederico Huckembeck Neto, Hellisson Malgarezi
2021 International Journal of E-Planning Research  
This study developed a descriptive 3D city information model (CIM) using only infrastructural building modeling tools to create maps, and analyzed the model according to needs identified in interviews with public-sector actors and a bibliometric analysis. The interviews assessed the challenges of implementing CIM in the Brazilian city of Curitiba, while the literature study determined that current academic production reflects the current reality, calling attention to relevant issues. The
more » ... ental software solution successfully created 3D informational modeling of cities for passive use as well as maps to support decision making, although it did not offer advanced parametric tools for urban analysis. Still, this model provides a flexible approach to overcoming the challenges reported by interviewees, which included financial limitations and organizational culture.
doi:10.4018/ijepr.20211001.oa9 fatcat:qkdjgvvt7be43iek7r3fqgabou