Abo El -Hassan M. Rahil
1999 ERJ. Engineering Research Journal  
There is no doubt that the number and variety of the photogrammetricapplications are growing. Convergent case photogrammetry is the most commonly used in analytical photogrammetry . The present formulas which are used to kstimate the accuracy of convergeit case photogrammetry do not give good results, Special at the edge of photograph therefor, the simulation is used for estimating the accuracy of the convergent case of close range photogrammetry . The accuracy obtained in practical experiments
more » ... closely matches the estimated accuracy from simulation.The disadvantages of the simulation are : The method needs an experience and skilled photogrammetrist, The optimal solution is missed a n d The si;nulation technique is costly and complicated. This paper gives the mathematical proofs of a newly developed formulas for estimating the accuracy of convergent case.
doi:10.21608/erjm.1999.72450 fatcat:crhg45dsdzecfl4f55dx347gpy