A validation and code-to-code verification of FAST for a megawatt-scale wind turbine with aeroelastically tailored blades

Srinivas Guntur, Jason Jonkman, Ryan Sievers, Michael A. Sprague, Scott Schreck, Qi Wang
2017 Wind Energy Science  
<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> This paper presents validation and code-to-code verification of the latest version of the U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory wind turbine aeroelastic engineering simulation tool, FAST v8. A set of 1141 test cases, for which experimental data from a Siemens 2.3<span class="thinspace"></span>MW machine have been made available and were in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission 61400-13 guidelines, were identified.
more » ... ese conditions were simulated using FAST as well as the Siemens in-house aeroelastic code, BHawC. This paper presents a detailed analysis comparing results from FAST with those from BHawC as well as experimental measurements, using statistics including the means and the standard deviations along with the power spectral densities of select turbine parameters and loads. Results indicate good agreement among the predictions using FAST, BHawC, and experimental measurements. These agreements are discussed in detail in this paper, along with some comments regarding the differences seen in these comparisons relative to the inherent uncertainties in such a model-based analysis.</p>
doi:10.5194/wes-2-443-2017 fatcat:lc4dh6xz5bfhnoculjijuduc6a