Adaptive deployment for pervasive data gathering in connectivity-challenged environments

Tahiry Razafindralambo, Nathalie Mitton, Aline Carneiro Viana, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Katia Obraczka
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)  
Some current and future pervasive data driven applications must operate in "extreme" environments where endto-end connectivity cannot be guaranteed at all times. In fact, it is likely that in these environments partitions are, rather than exceptions, part of the normal network operation. In this paper, we introduce Cover, a suite of adaptive strategies to control the trajectory of "infrastructure" nodes, which are deployed to bridge network partitions and thus play a critical role in data
more » ... ry. In particular, we focus on applications where end (or target) nodes are mobile and their mobility is unknown. Our goal is then to deploy and manage infrastructure nodes so that application-level requirements such as reliable data delivery and latency are met while still limiting deployment cost and balancing the load among infrastructure nodes. Cover achieves these goals using a localized and adaptive approach to infrastructure management based on the observed mobility of target nodes. To this end, Cover takes advantage of contact opportunities between infrastructure nodes to exchange information about their covered zones, and thus, help monitor targets in a more efficient fashion. Through extensive simulations, we show how Cover's adaptive features yield a fair distribution of targets per infrastructure node based only on limited network knowledge.
doi:10.1109/percom.2010.5466992 dblp:conf/percom/RazafindralamboMVAO10 fatcat:vqgiosmdlvegzgznpt3k4laxce