Extracellular matrix of the heart and its changes in myocardial fibrosis

O. V. Gritsenko, G. A. Chumakova, I. V. Shevlyakov, N. G. Veselovskaya
2020 Kardiologiâ  
Neurohumoral changes have recently attracted much attention as a part of the pathogenesis of heart failure. Activation of neurohumoral factors triggers processes resulting in changes of extracellular matrix composition and, thus, development of myocardial fibrosis. This article addresses a number of factors that directly contribute to the development of myocardial fibrosis.
doi:10.18087/cardio.2020.6.n773 pmid:32720625 fatcat:mvo6i2xlezbdtbkrjwz4hkioia