Learning Technological Concepts and Developing Intellectual Skills [chapter]

Scott D. Johnson
1997 Shaping Concepts of Technology  
The increasing complexity of work and social life demands that people possess conceptual understanding and intellectual skills in order to gain the desired level of competence. Unfortunately, the development of high level cognitive skills is a complex task that has not been sufficiently addressed in education. This chapter discusses the nature of intellectual skills and identifies numerous problems that educators face when they attempt to emphasize these skills in their curriculum. Through a
more » ... parison of the characteristics of formal and informal learning environments, the author identifies four elements of informal learning that guide the creation of high level intellectual skills. Incorporating the four elements of informal learning in formal instruction can lead to robust opportunities for students to gain conceptual understanding and develop their intellectual skills.
doi:10.1007/978-94-011-5598-4_13 fatcat:7d64sf7wbrh5fcpw4at3676fwe