STANKO KRISTL, ARHITEKT Humanost in prostor

Sazu, Ass Matej Blenkuš
Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi med najvidnejše slovenske arhitekte; njegova dela, od vrtcev, šol, bolnišnic, domovanj do spomenikov, so v času svojega nastanka vznemirjala domačo in mednarodno javnost-in to zanje velja še danes. Kot arhitekt v najširšem smislu skozi svoje projekte in raziskave nenehno zastavlja temeljno vprašanje: kaj je arhitektura v odnosu do človeka? Vljudno vabljeni! Architect,
more » ... professor, researcher, academician, innovator, humanist and perpetual creative critical voice. Stanko Kristl is regarded as one of the most prominent architects in Slovenia. His work, from kindergartens, schools, hospitals, homes and monuments, both at the time of its creation and still today, triggers the very engaged attention of domestic and international publics alike. As an architect in the widest sense, he continues to raise a fundamental question through his many projects and research: What is architecture in relation to human? We cordially invite you to attend!