Fatal Epistaxis Caused by Rupture of an Intratumoral Aneurysm Enclosed by a Large Prolactinoma —Case Report—

Junichi IMAMURA, Tatuya OKUZONO, Yoshiko OKUZONO
1998 Neurologia medico-chirurgica  
A 72-year-old female presented with episodes of epistaxis. Neuroimaging demonstrated a large prolacti noma totally enclosing a large intracavernous aneurysm of the internal carotid artery. Adjacent bony structures were eroded and destroyed by tumor invasion and extension. Rupture of the intratumoral aneurysm caused fatal epistaxis rather than subarachnoid hemorrhage before surgery. Intratumoral aneurysm is rare and epistaxis caused by rupture of it is extremely rare. Lack of bony protection
more » ... r ently have contributed to the aneurysmal growth and rupture.
doi:10.2176/nmc.38.654 pmid:9861849 fatcat:k42asdfvcng3djyuik5lbqpoym