Computing and Illustrating Query Rewritings on Path Views with Binding Patterns

Julien Romero, Nicoleta Preda, Antoine Amarilli, Fabian Suchanek
2020 Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management  
In this system demonstration, we study views with binding patterns, which are a formalization of REST Web services. Such views are database queries that can be evaluated using the service, but only if values for the input variables are provided. We investigate how to use such views to answer a complex user query, by rewriting it as an execution plan, i.e., an orchestration of calls to the views. In general, it is undecidable to determine whether a given user query can be answered with the
more » ... ble views. In this demo, we illustrate a particular scenario studied in our earlier work [11] , where the problem is not only decidable, but has a particularly intuitive graphical solution. Our demo allows users to play with views defined by real Web services, and to animate the construction of execution plans visually.
doi:10.1145/3340531.3417431 dblp:conf/cikm/RomeroPAS20 fatcat:5aiasazpbbbxfab3wpo424v2si