Overlapped Bem-Fem and Some Schwarz Iterations

Ricardo Celorrio, Victor Dominguez, Francisco-Javier Sayas
2004 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics  
AbstractIn this work we consider the numerical solution of the Laplace's equation in a domain with holes by means of the overlapping of finite and boundary elements. The essence of the method is the consideration of the finite element solution of the Laplace's equation in the domain without holes and the exterior single{layer solution on the unbounded domain around these holes. This solution can be viewed as a limit of a discretized interior{exterior Schwarz-type iteration. A convergence
more » ... s of both the iteration and the discrete solution is carried out, taking full generality in the BEM scheme. Some numerical experiments are also given.
doi:10.2478/cmam-2004-0001 fatcat:4372z2yvjbazjptdymgufsbure