E03 Tool Wear in High Speed Turning of Inconel 718
E03 インコネル718の高速旋削加工における工具損傷形態の解析(OS3 工具・ツーリング(1))

Kentarou CHIHARA, Kenichi WATATANI, Satoru KUKINO
2012 The Proceedings of The Manufacturing & Machine Tool Conference  
In recent years , there is a growing need fbr cutthlg operations especially at h 孟 gh speed and precision cutting of 肌 【 stenitic Ni − based super alloy Uke Inconel 718 which is di 餌 cult to maohine . In this stUdy , tuming of Inconel 718 with cenventional ceramics and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride ( PCBN )tools was conducted in the cutting speed range of 200 -500m ! min . The PCBN tool was fbund to have high ware and 丘acture resistance with good sur 魚ce roug ess compared with
more » ... l ceramics toels in the cutting speed of3eO m ! inin , because ofthe advantage in terms oftheir hardness , bending strength and so on .
doi:10.1299/jsmemmt.2012.9.257 fatcat:lqsu5iwvobek7eixjomfy2rupi