Does it pay to avoid speaking straight about controversial issues? Impact of argumentative ambiguity on the perception of the speaker

Paweł Koniak, Wojciech Cwalina
2021 Journal of Communication Management  
PurposeThe goal of the research was to check whether the sender communicating in an ambiguous manner can gain the benefits in three aspects: perception of his or her image, evoking agreement with issue stand and intention to support him or her in the election. Impact of ambiguous messages was compared with the impact of messages consistent or inconsistent with participants' opinions.Design/methodology/approachTwo experiments were conducted. Participants were randomly divided into three groups
more » ... d each of them was presented with (1) a message supporting or (2) opposing given proposition or (3) an ambiguous message not revealing the ultimate opinion of the sender. Participants' initial views on the issues were measured. In experiment 1 an expert message concerned the building of the nuclear power plant was presented. In experiment 2 it was a politician's message about introducing the guaranteed number of parliamentary seats for women.FindingsThe results suggest that a strategy of argumentative ambiguity applied by senders may be beneficial if the point is to avoid recipients' objections. However, the consequences of ambiguity for the evaluation of sender's credibility and voters' intentions can be seen to be negative.Originality/valueThis research was looking for the reconcile of the contradictory results of previous research, which may have their source in the various operationalization of ambiguity. It was focused at an argumentative ambiguity (i.e. presenting different points of view without declaring support for any of the options).
doi:10.1108/jcom-11-2020-0154 fatcat:dvxnv4s7c5g5bpr7s3unjrzwwe