QCD improved matching for semileptonic B decays with leptoquarks

Jason Aebischer, Andreas Crivellin, Christoph Greub
2019 Physical Review D  
Leptoquarks (LQs) provide very promising solutions to the tensions between the experimental measurements and the SM predictions of b→ sℓ^+ℓ^- and b→ cτν processes. In this case the LQ masses are in general at the TeV scale and they can thus be produced at high energy colliders and dedicated LHC searches are ongoing. While for LQ production and decay the O(α_s) corrections have been known for a long time, the O(α_s) corrections to the matching on 2-quark-2-lepton operators have not been
more » ... d, yet. In this article we close this gap by computing the QCD corrections to the matching of LQ models on the effective SM Lagrangian for both scalar and vector LQs. We find an enhancement of the Wilson coefficients of vector operators with respect to the tree-level results of around 8 (vector) LQs. This softens the LHC bounds and increases the allowed parameter space of LQ models addressing the flavour anomalies.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.99.055002 fatcat:ephywiic7zbvhhgmqcbawn6cmi