Cosmic Rays and Galactic Radio Noise

G. Sironi, G. De Amici
1981 Symposium - International astronomical union  
Size and shape of the "confinement volume Vo", the region around our Galaxy where the c.r. particles live until they escape or loose completely their energy are essential parameters of models for the origin and propagation of the cosmic rays. Focussing the attention on the c.r. electrons, whose sources are definitely galactic and concentrated in the Disk, to confine Voto the Disk or extend it to the Halo is full of consequences. For instance in the first case the sources can be everywhere
more » ... Vo; by contrast in a Halo model the sources can reside only in some parts of Vo, the mechanisms of energy loss play different roles in different regions of the confinement volume and the particle lifetimes can be up to 100 times larger than in the Disk, (e.g. ref. 1).
doi:10.1017/s0074180900074611 fatcat:ffoqtwjnkbbylayprtfmep7sy4