The Changing Roles of a Language Learning Center at a Residential Liberal Arts College in the Midst of Technological Development

Jing Wang
2006 IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies  
The widespread availability of simplified technology and the increasing technical expertise of the average lab user confront directors of Language Learning Centers (LLC) with the question of the legitiMacy of the existence of their centers. This case study of the LLC at Allegheny College, a liberal arts institution for 2,100 students, demonstrates the crucial function of the LLC in the midst of technological development. Allegheny's explicit mission of educating well-rounded students who can
more » ... rn, communicate, analyze and solve problems in a residential setting requires that the LLC assist with the implementation of diverse curricular goals and needs. The following article discusses how the LLC fulfills these roles, which are relevant to other institutions of higher learning as well. Our LLC is housed in the department of Modern and Classical Languages at Allegheny College. The department offers regular language instruction in Spanish, French, German, Latin and Chinese; and also teaches American Sign Language, Arabic, Greek, Italian, and Intensive English through the department's Center for Language and Culture. Enrolling around four hundred students each semester, the department offers a variety of language-related majors and minors.
doi:10.17161/iallt.v38i1.8586 fatcat:37issepdarepplapa7fve3enye