Space researches of changes of nature-economic components in a river basin of Poltva in the end of ХХ centuries–the beginning of XXI century
Аерокосмічні дослідження змін природно-господарських компонентів у басейні Полтви на межі ХХ–ХХІ ст

G. Bayrak
2011 Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography  
Features of changes of land cover and exogenous processes in a river basin of Poltva in connection with decreasing of the economic activities during the Post-Soviet period are considered. For researches the remote materials occurring at different times are used. Changes in agricultural and the forest use of the earth have caused in the majority stabilization exogenous processes. Changes aquicultural, urban and industrial human activities have caused activization of these processes in a river
more » ... in. Key words: changes of land cover, exogenous processes.
doi:10.30970/vgg.2011.39.2157 fatcat:inehhegdffaadakw3m2lknrqfq