R. Foster Moore
1916 The Lancet  
535 are negative, making the percentage 45 and 55 respectively. As the space at your disposal for a letter is necessarily limited I will at once arrive at my -conclusions:—: 1. That 80 per cent. of the tuberculous children under five years of age who have come under my notice have been infected in the postero-apical regions, and that pleural thickening has taken ' , place, giving rise to capillary congestion. I 2. As I am unable to find capillary markings in I certain older children (5 to 15)
more » ... o have been free from early wasting, marasmus, pneumonia, or bronchitis, I think their infection has occurred after infancy. 3. That the " older children " who have the markings have become to some extent immune, and as can be shown by comparison with the still older (over 15 years) cases their comparative recovery is more assured than in those who are free from markings. 4. That the presence of tubercle bacilli in the sputum of tuberculous patients is of rarer occurrence in those showing markings than in those having no markings. 5. The curative response to tuberculin and to general treatment is better in those having markings than in those without. I am, Sir, yours faithfully,
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(00)77892-5 fatcat:l27mcj4jsfe3pimbdzjdcgxiwe