Multi-touch intelligent infrared interactive projection system

Liming Wu, Hongna Chen, Dezhi Zeng, Wenjie Li
2013 Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Networks and Communication Engineering (ICCNCE 2013)   unpublished
The system is based on optical principles of the multitouch technology, multi-touch tracking, gesture recognition and other theories to design a laser pointer through the touch of a finger or a new type of light to operate a computer projection system to achieve low-cost, high-performance multi-touch Human-computer interaction technology, while taking advantage of augmented reality technology, and through computer network connections, to achieve "personphysical" information exchange Index Terms
more » ... -Multi-touch; infrared light; augmented reality; internet of things; gesture recognition.
doi:10.2991/iccnce.2013.3 fatcat:c2ag4rxrlnfslgv7ppb2e3jgv4