The Impact of Learner Agency and Self-Regulated Learning in EFL Classes

Mahbuba Rasulova, Tashkent State University of Law
2022 International journal of social science and human research  
Learners have a sense of "agency" when they feel they can influence the events and feel in control of different things occurring around them. This is an important sense for learners, making them more active participants in their learning. Every decision a learner makes, and action she or he takes, will impact the thinking, behavior or decisions of others. When learners can control their own learning, they exercise self-regulated learning (SRL), which is crucial in becoming a lifelong learner.
more » ... Ienrney (2008) described SRL as "self-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to attain educational goals" (p. 374). This study focuses on case studies of three English language learners at a language school in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Case study data were generated through a series of six in-depth, informal interviews conducted in English over four months. Triangulated data revealed a bond between learner agency and self-regulated learning as more agentic learners tend to use different kinds of self-regulated strategies. In contrast, less agentic ones appear more passive when it comes to employing self-regulating strategies in their learning process. Finally, suggestions to facilitate learner agency and self-regulated learning in the language-learning classroom are provided.
doi:10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i2-44 fatcat:grjhlrjonzccbix7vwlegwppda