Flexible shrink-induced high surface area electrodes for electrochemiluminescent sensing

Jonathan D. Pegan, Adrienne Y. Ho, Mark Bachman, Michelle Khine
2013 Lab on a Chip  
In this work, photolithographically defi ned metallic thin fi lm on commodity shrink-wrap is leveraged to create robust electrodes. By thermally shrinking the fi lm, electrodes are reduced by 20× in footprint for improved resolution and conductivity with >600% enhancements in electrochemically active surface area; as electrochemiluminescent sensors, they demonstrate improved limits of detection. Photolithographically defined metallic thin film on commodity shrink-wrap is leveraged to create
more » ... st electrodes. By thermally shrinking the film, electrodes are reduced by 206 in footprint for improved resolution and conductivity with .600% enhancements in electrochemically active surface area; as electrochemiluminescent sensors, they demonstrate improved limits of detection.
doi:10.1039/c3lc50588j pmid:24056907 fatcat:3sloeontprforlip7lonjsvcom