Genetic Identification of Hybrid Walnuts (Juglans × intermedia Carr.) in Hungary, the Hidden Potential for Future Breeding

Klára Cseke, Géza Bujdosó, Mátyás Báder, Tamás Mertl, Attila Benke, József Dezső Kámpel
2022 Sustainability  
The question of the hybrid walnut (Juglans × intermedia Carr.) is still under debate in the Central European region. There is not simply just an underutilization, rather, even the existence of these hybrid forms is not broadly accepted. On the contrary, there is an intensive cross-breeding activity in the western part of Europe resulting in commercially available hybrid clones. In Hungary, several individuals have been reported with intermediate morphology from different old black walnut
more » ... ions. Due to the lacking information, a preliminary study was conducted in order to prove the difference of these selected trees and to test the hybrid state. For this purpose, DNA fingerprinting was used by applying 13 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for the identification of 22 hybrid genotypes selected from one study plot. A comparative analysis with a reference sample set of the 'parental' species and other known hybrids was performed as well. The genetic analysis resulted distinct, unique genotypes for all of the samples. Based on the genetic pattern, the analyzed hybrid group was clearly distinguishable from the other two walnut groups. The result of this study also highlights the hidden potential in walnut breeding in the Central European region. Future concepts concerning hybrid walnut utilization in plantation forestry, agroforestry or as breeding material are also discussed.
doi:10.3390/su14084782 doaj:d60509f05c3841d6a4b44154a4c6b29c fatcat:ez345yzyljbd5fef6e27yojq6u