Foreword [chapter]

1970 Science and Morality in Medicine  
The triumphant progress of medical technological insight and manipulation is currently producing in its wake two sets of major problems relating to optimal medical care in general. One revolves around the adequate distribution and availability of such care; the other around the danger of becoming infatuated with the technological aspects of the medical approach, that is, of ceasing to question its limitations. Speaking more concretely, this means unintentionally losing sight of the axiomatic
more » ... ndations of medicine-man cannot be understood only in mechanical terms. And this, in turn, invites the possibility of unintentionally violating these foundations. Dr. Babbie has devoted his sociological skills to the clarification of this second set of problems. His study should benefit everyone, patient and physician alike, but especially those concerned with recognizing and teaching the axiomatic foundations of medicine at the present time. The problem of the awareness of the axiomatic foundations of medicine and the danger of becoming infatuated with x / Science and Morality in Medicine
doi:10.1525/9780520314504-001 fatcat:wgkue636dfd5fdft3hn6bjzldm