Impact of Thermal Processing on Silicon Wafer Surface Roughness

Larry W. Shive, Brian L. Gilmore
2008 ECS Transactions   unpublished
Very flat silicon wafers with nanometer scale roughness are important during semiconductor device patterning onto the wafer. Recent reports have shown that thermal processing at high temperature in H 2 or H 2 -Ar mixtures may be used to reduce roughness of silicon wafers at short length scales such as 1-10μm. This paper reports the impact upon roughness of high temperature heat treatment in a diffusion furnace in mixtures of hydrogen and argon. Experiments show surface roughness is reduced
more » ... g high temperature processing and is independent of argon or argonhydrogen processing environment for length scales in the range of 0.1-100μm.
doi:10.1149/1.2982893 fatcat:5lsukz37dzec7o2l5uuyda3fsy