Local planning in Belgium: A myriad of policy styles? [book]

Ellen Wayenberg, Min Reuchamps, Marine Kravagna, Catherine Fallon
2017 Policy Press  
This chapter seeks to analyse an often-unexplored policy level: the Belgian Municipalities. What is the state of policy analysis in Belgian municipalities? Which instruments and styles do local policy-makers adopt to deal with the complex choices they have to make? What are the interactions with the other policy levels? To tackle these three questions, this chapter provides an analysis of Belgium's two main Regions, Flanders and Wallonia, that offers a theoretical overview of the policy styles
more » ... nd instruments available in both Regions. On this basis, two case studies are undertaken to empirically uncover the policy analysis practices at the local level. This study gives insights about how Belgian municipalities deal with their increasingly more complex missions of policy-making.
doi:10.1332/policypress/9781447317258.003.0006 fatcat:cuppzdsgdradnc4kifgapu3gt4