Regarding the F-word: the effects of data Filtering on inferred genotype-environment associations [article]

Collin W Ahrens, Rebecca Jordan, Jason Bragg, Peter A Harrison, Tara Hopley, Helen Bothwell, Kevin Murray, Dorothy Steane, John Whale, Margaret Byrne, Rose Andrew, Paul Rymer
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
Genotype-environment association (GEA) methods have become part of the standard landscape genomics toolkit, yet, we know little about how to filter genotype-by-sequencing data to provide robust inferences for environmental adaptation. In many cases, default filtering thresholds for minor allele frequency and missing data are applied regardless of sample size, having unknown impacts on the results. These effects could be amplified in downstream predictions, including management strategies. Here,
more » ... we investigate the effects of filtering on GEA results and the potential implications for adaptation to environment. Using empirical and simulated datasets derived from two widespread tree species to assess the effects of filtering on GEA outputs. Critically, we find that the level of filtering of missing data and minor allele frequency affect the identification of true positives. Even slight adjustments to these thresholds can change the rate of true positive detection. Using conservative thresholds for missing data and minor allele frequency substantially reduces the size of the dataset, lessening the power to detect adaptive variants (i.e. simulated true positives) with strong and weak strength of selections. Regardless, strength of selection was a good predictor for GEA detection, but even SNPs under strong selection went undetected. We further show that filtering can significantly impact the predictions of adaptive capacity of species in downstream analyses. We make several recommendations regarding filtering for GEA methods. Ultimately, there is no filtering panacea, but some choices are better than others, depending largely on the study system, availability of genomic resources, and desired objectives of the study.
doi:10.1101/2020.09.08.288308 fatcat:xeuqgw42sjat7hl2jyzc2kc7ge