Diffused phase transition in fine-grained bismuth vanadate ceramics

K. Shantha, K. B. R. Varma
1999 Journal of Materials Research  
Nanocrystalline powders of ferroelectric bismuth vanadate, Bi 4 V 2 O 11 (n-BiV), with crystallite size less than 50 nm, were obtained by mechanical milling of a stoichiometric mixture of bismuth oxide and vanadium pentoxide. The n-BiV powders on sintering yielded high-density, fine-grained ceramics with improved dielectric and polar characteristics. Dielectric studies on samples obtained from milled powders indicated that the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition temperature is
more » ... y frequency dependent. The Curie-Weiss law is found to be valid only at a temperature away from the transition temperature, confirming the diffused nature of the transition, which is attributed to the presence of compositional inhomogeneity, because of partial reduction of vanadium.
doi:10.1557/jmr.1999.0629 fatcat:cttfepoedba7xoljvkfi7dbha4