Frequency-weighted Residual Truncation and Padé Approximant for Model Reduction of Power System with Constant Time Delay

Yonghui Nie, Zhunhang Wang, Lei Gao, Jiang Li, Yan Zhao
2020 IEEE Access  
To improve the efficiency for managing power systems with constant time delay, an improved frequency-weighted model reduction is proposed. First, the Padé approximant allows to represent the time delay in the state-space form and build a linear model of the closed-loop power system containing a wide-area damping controller. Then, a weight function is introduced to solve the equilibrium transformation matrix and balance the original system. Finally, the residual order reduction is applied to the
more » ... model of the power system considering time delay. The proposed method is evaluated in the two-area four-machine test system and New England system, and the effectiveness of the proposed reduction method is verified.
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2984528 fatcat:pffczqm54nhmfgpdv5i5iqv6va