Dynamic behavior of the weld pool in stationary GMAW

J. Chapuis, E. Romero, C. Bordreuil, F. Soulié, G. Fras
2010 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Because hump formation limits welding productivity, better understanding of the humping phenomena during the welding process is needed to access to process modifications that decrease the tendency for hump formation and then allow higher productivity welding. From a physical point of view, the mechanism identified is the Rayleigh instability initiated by strong surface tension gradient which induces a variation of kinetic flow. But the causes of the appearance of this instability are not yet
more » ... l explained. Because of the phenomena complex and multi-physics, we chose in first step to conduct an analysis of the characteristic times involved in weld pool in pulsed stationary GMAW. The goal is to study the dynamic behavior of the weld pool, using our experimental multiphysics approach. The experimental tool and methodology developed to understand these fast phenomena are presented first: frames acquisition with high speed digital camera and specific optical devices, numerical library. The analysis of geometric parameters of the weld pool during welding operation are presented in the last part: we observe the variations of wetting angles (or contact lines angles), the base and the height of the weld pool (macro-drop) versus weld time.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20100607002 fatcat:cmkvicbjffahhpogwlhgskgxry