Jahn–Teller orbital glass state in the expanded fcc Cs3C60 fulleride

A. Potočnik, A. Y. Ganin, Y. Takabayashi, M. T. McDonald, I. Heinmaa, P. Jeglič, R. Stern, M. J. Rosseinsky, K. Prassides, D. Arčon
2014 Chemical Science  
Magic-angle-spinning NMR measurements on fcc Cs3C60 to cryogenic temperatures reveal freezing-out of the C603¬ Jahn–Teller dynamics and emergence of an electronic orbital glass state guided by the C603¬ merohedral disorder.
doi:10.1039/c4sc00670d fatcat:7fcb4ngvwreulke6zm3ym4k3fy