GIS Indicator on New Urbanist Communities in Southeastern US

Sunhui Sim
2016 Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information System  
New urbanism is a school of urban development that combines residential, commercial, and civic land uses in a dense urban fabric of carefully prescribed form. Its advocates claim that New Urbanist developments are superior to prevailing urban development patterns on social and environmental sustainability. Its critics, however, argue that New Urbanism developments do not measure up to the social and environmental ideals and are, in some cases, just another form of urban sprawl. The goal of this
more » ... study is to evaluate various criticisms of New Urbanist communities. This paper used empirical evidence to determine the performance of New Urbanist developments on the broader spatial and social context as opposed to the internal characteristics of the communities using GIS indicators. The results showed that the communities did not meet conventional criteria for New Urbanist ideals.
doi:10.7319/kogsis.2016.24.2.089 fatcat:hs2q2yi7ungpfinlrwmktowzbi