Block Structure of a Number of the Integers Prime

P.M. Mazurkin
2014 Applied Mathematics and Physics  
Binary decomposition of numbers forms geometrical blocks. They depend on approach of a prime or whole prime number to values of the two in the degree equal to number from a natural row. As a result there is a strict geometry among prime or whole prime numbers in the form of block structure. This structure receives distinctive signs and harmonicas in positive part of a number of the whole prime numbers are shown. Statistically from a natural numbers regularities of growth of power of the left
more » ... right reference points, as borders previous and the subsequent from values of the two in degree, at blocks increasing on length among the whole prime numbers are proved. Cite This Article: P.M. Mazurkin, "Block Structure of a
doi:10.12691/amp-2-4-3 fatcat:fuyaqtly3zgcjgjlwbnsfgcu6m