Advances in the theory of large cooperative games and applications to club theory; the side payments case [unknown]

Alexander Kovalenkov, Myrna Wooders
The Endogenous Formation of Economic Coalitions   unpublished
In a series of papers (Kovalenkov and authors have developed the framework of parameterized collections of games and also that of parameterized collections of economies with clubs. These papers apply to collections of games with nontransferable utility and similarly to economies with clubs and general preferences. The game theoretic framework encompasses the earlier pregame' framework (cf., Wooders 1994b Econometrica) and also earlier models of economies with clubs and with possibly multiple
more » ... berships in clubs (cf. Shubik and Wooders 1982). In this paper, we consider the special case of games with side payments and illustrate the application of our more general results in this special, and much simpler but still important, framework. The motivation for this line of research is developed and application to environmental problems is discussed.
doi:10.4337/9781781009888.00009 fatcat:l3he6eokhveohoeugvnyr7q2g4