Study on Regional Bone Mineral Density in Children with Simple Obesity using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

Ryuzou Takaya, Masakuni Tokuda, Tatsuya Oguni, Haruki Tanaka, Kazutaka Konishi, Makoto Mino
1995 Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology  
The bone mineral density (BMD) of 56 children with simple obesity (BMI>24 for males (n=34), >23 for females (n=22), aged from 6 to 16 years) was investigated using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The BMD of the whole skeleton, legs, pelvis, and lumbar spine (L2-4) was significantly increased in obese children compared with nonobese children (38 males and 42 females, aged from 4 to 17 years), while the arms showed no significant difference between the two groups. This regional inequality
more » ... of the increased BMD in obese children wasprobably due to the physical stimulation of weight bearing.
doi:10.1297/cpe.4.141 fatcat:j55fyietufhvnm5e7dkoeljwpu