Microjoule sub-10 fs VUV pulse generation by MW pump pulses using highly efficient chirped four-wave mixing in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

Song-Jin Im
2015 Laser physics  
We theoretically study chirped four-wave mixing for VUV pulse generation in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers. We predict the generation of sub-10-fs VUV pulses with energy of up to hundreds of microjoule by broad-band chirped idler pulses at 830 nm and MW pump pulses with narrow-band at 277 nm. MW pump could be desirable to reduce the complexity of the laser system or use a high repetition rate-laser system. The energy conversion efficiency from pump pulse to VUV pulse reaches to 30%. This
more » ... neration can be realized in kagome-lattice hollow-core PCF filled with noble gas of high pressure with core-diameter less than 40 micrometers which would enable technically simple or highly efficient coupling to fundamental mode of the fiber.
doi:10.1088/1054-660x/25/3/035404 fatcat:lpcgj2bbcjdvplziy2qmdlvdlu