Evaluación restrospectiva de la diarrea persistente en un servicio primario de salud

Magdalena Araya Q, Nelly Baiocchi U, Julio Espinoza M, Oscar Brunser T, Isolda Pacheco M
1989 Revista chilena de pediatría  
Persistent diarrhea Information about persistent diarrhea is scarse despite the fact that it is a frequent cause of death in children who live in developing countries. The 36,358 pediatric consultations performed at a Primary Health Care Center in Southeastern Santiago in 1984 were retrospectively evaluated. Diairheic syndromes represented 5.1% of consultations and corresponded to 909 episodes; of these, 6.3% were cases of persistent diarrhea (> 15 days). The highest frequency occurred among
more » ... ldren under 2 years of age (60.7%). In 68.7% of cases feces were liquid and in 37.5% mucus, pus or blood was present in stools. Persistent diarrhea was more frequent among malnourished patients (p < 0.001) who, in turn, suffered the greatest nutritional deterioration in relation to the episode of diarrhea. Intravenous fluids were required by 23,3% of patients while 27.9% were admitted to hospital. This contrasts with patients who suffer episodes which lasted less than 15 days, who were all orally hydrated and only 7.8% required hospitalization (p < 0.01).
doi:10.4067/s0370-41061989000100006 fatcat:xriuqcdzejc7la2rjyoqemv6q4