Mariola Kazimierczak
2019 Muzealnictwo  
Michał Tyszkiewicz was an outstanding collector of antiquities and a pioneer of Polish archaeological excavations in Egypt conducted in late 1861 and early 1862, which yielded a generous donation of 194 Egyptian antiquities to the Paris Louvre. Today Tyszkiewicz's name features engraved on the Rotunda of Apollo among the major Museum's donors. Having settled in Rome for good in 1865, Tyszkiewicz conducted archaeological excavations there until 1870. He collected ancient intaglios, old coins,
more » ... amics, silverware, golden jewellery, and sculptures in bronze and marble. His collection ranked among the most valuable European ones created in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Today, its elements are scattered among over 30 major museums worldwide, e.g. London's British Museum, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, or the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The latest investigation of M. Tyszkiewicz's correspondence to the German scholar Wilhelm Froehner demonstrated that Tyszkiewicz widely promoted the development of archaeology and epigraphy; unique pieces from his collections were presented at conferences at Rome's Academia dei Lincei or at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Paris, and published by Italian, French, Austrian, and German scholars. He was considered an expert in glyptic, and today's specialists, in recognition of his merits, have called a certain group of ancient cylinder seals the 'Tyszkiewicz Seals', an Egyptian statue in black basalt has been named the 'Tyszkiewicz Statue', whereas an unknown painter of Greek vases from the 5th century BC has been referred to as the 'Painter Tyszkiewicz'.
doi:10.5604/01.3001.0013.2202 fatcat:6fvxteonzjdbrgoxbpno66zt6m