Supplementary material to "Aerosol chemistry above an extended Archipelago of the Eastern Mediterranean basin during strong northern winds"
E. Athanasopoulou, A. P. Protonotariou, E. Bossioli, A. Dandou, M. Tombrou, J. D. Allan, H. Coe, N. Mihalopoulos, J. Kalogiros, A. Bacak, J. Sciare, G. Biskos
Aerosol chemistry above an extended Archipelago of the Eastern Mediterranean basin during strong northern winds E. Athanasopoulou et al. Correspondence to: E. Athanasopoulou ( S1 Supplementary model details 1 The meteorological inputs for the PMCAMx applications are provided by the WRF/ARW model 2 (Skamarock et al. 2008) ( The model is driven by the National 3 Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) operational Global Final (FNL)
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... es (1.0º×1.0º 4 spatial resolution), in combination with Sea Surface Temperature (SST), from the Real-Time Global 5 SST (0.5º×0.5º spatial resolution). The 25-category USGS land-use classification scheme was adopted 6 in order to provide land-cover data. The planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization used is the 7 'first-order' closure scheme developed by the Yonsei University (YSU) (Hong et al., 2006). 8 The WRF numerical simulations were performed using triple two-way nesting, with the first domain 9 covering the extended area of Europe (23.0 to 77.0 o N, 14.5 to 44.5 o E) with 0.5 o horizontal resolution, 10 the second covering the extended area of Greece and Italy (29.3 to 50.2 o N, 4.8 to 32.2 o E) with 0.167 o 11 horizontal resolution and the third following the horizontal grid system as PMCAMx. In the vertical 12 axis, 35 full sigma levels resolve the atmosphere (model top at 50hPa or 20 km), with a finer 13 resolution near the surface. 14 The global model GEOS-CHEM (Bey et al., 2001; is applied in order to 15 cope with the transported air masses from outside the PMCAMx simulation domain. The model is 16 driven by assimilated meteorological data from the Goddard Earth Observing System, Version 5 17 (GEOS-5) of the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office ( The 18 version applied for the current study (v8-03-01) uses the SOA chemical mechanism, which includes 19 the NOx-Ox-hydrocarbon-aerosol species module and a SOA module based on the framework 20 proposed by Chung and Seinfeld (2002) and Henze et al. (2008). Moreover, the ISORROPIA II 21 package for aerosol thermodynamical equilibrium is used (Fountoukis and Nenes, 2007). 22