Morphological features of the simulated gunshot wounds of rabbits' soft tissues at different temperatures of injuring object
R.N. Mikhaylusov, V.V. Negoduyko, G.I. Gubina-Vakulik, S.B. Pavlov, G.B. Pavlovа, A.M. Veligotsky, O.M. Khvysiuk
Medičnì Perspektivi
The article presents the results of experimental modeling of superficial fragment gunshot wounds of soft tissues, obtained in low-energy gunshot wounds. The pathomorphosis of gunshot wounds was studied, and the features and timing of their healing were compared depending on the temperature of the damaging fragments. The aim of the work was to study the effect of the temperature of the injuring shrapnel on the healing processes of the soft tissues of experimental animals with superficial
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... rgy fragment gunshot wounds. Using the random number method, laboratory animals (rabbits) were divided into 3 experimental groups (15 animals each). In each group, wounding was with fragments with different temperatures − 18°С, 50°С and 100°С. The control group consisted of 10 intact animals. On day 14th, 30th and 60th, 5 animals from each group were withdrawn from the experiment. Microscopic examination of soft tissues was performed using a PRIMO STAR light microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) at magnification by 56 and 400 times. When assessing the state of tissues in the area of wound damage, it was established that as the temperature of the injuring fragment increases, a slower filling of the defect formed by the necrotic detritus in the process of utilization of necrotic detritus is observed. The high temperature of the injuring fragment along with the mechanical rupture of tissues causes thermal coagulation necrosis. Dense coagulated necrotic masses covering the wound canal from the inside, not only increase the volume of necrotic masses, but also complicate the process of wound healing. At a temperature of wounding fragments 100°C, the formation of a necrotic crust on the surface of the wound occurred on average 3±1.2 days later than at temperatures of 18°C and 50°C, the least pronounced healing took place at the bottom of the wound and in the muscle tissue. Microscopically necrotic, not dystrophic changes were observed in myocytes. Thus, a comparative analysis of the pathomorphosis of soft tissues in a wound when injured from an air rifle MP-532 with different temperature of the fragments showed differences from both the alteration of the tissues and the regenerative potential.