Total Liquid Ventilation: Dynamic Airway Pressure and the Development of Expiratory Flow Limitation

David S. Foley, Rick Brah, Joseph L. Bull, David O. Brant, James B. Grotberg, Ronald B. Hirschl
2004 ASAIO journal (1992)  
Expiratory flow limitation occurs during total liquid ventilation (TLV), and is characterized by the sudden development of excessively negative intratracheal pressures without increases in flow. The purpose of this study was to identify a dynamic signal for the servoregulation of expiratory flow (V e ), by determining the range of dynamic intratracheal pressures [P(T)], which mark the onset of flow limitation during liquid expiration, where choke occurs at the critical pressure (Pc). The lungs
more » ... f rabbits were filled with perflurocarbon to an end-inspiratory lung volume (EILV) of 20, 30, or 40cc/kg and connected to a piston driven liquid ventilator, which removed perfluorocarbon at a rate (V s ) of 2.5, 5.0, or 7.5 ml/s. Nine animals per EILV group were used (27 animals total), and within each EILV group each (V s ) was used three times. P(T) and (V e ) (T) were measured at the tracheostomy tube, and dP/dT was calculated from P(T). Pc was determined within each EILV/(V s ) group by examining the average dP/dT curve for the first significant change from baseline. Pc ranged from ؊6.02 ؎ 1.83 to ؊9.02 ؎ 3.2 mm Hg. In general, the higher the EILV, the more negative the Pc. We conclude that Pc during TLV varies within a limited range in rabbits. These data may be used to maximize expired volume during TLV by sequentially tapering flow rates as this critical range of pressures is approached. ASAIO Journal 2004; 50:485-490.
doi:10.1097/01.mat.0000139305.89565.4a pmid:15497390 fatcat:2cflk2uz4nfvjbgmtklj26pzvq