risman iye
2020 unpublished
The ability of students to understand the elements of fictional stories in particular determine the theme of the story, the character of the story, the place of the story, the storyline, the message of the story. This is caused by the lack of teachers in applying appropriate methods in learning to appreciate fiction. The problem of this research is (a) How to improve the learning process of the appreciation of fiction stories of SDN 1 Namlea students? (b) How the increase in learning outcomes
more » ... preciates the fiction of students at SDN 1 Namlea. The general objective of this study was to improve the ability to appreciate the fiction of students at SDN 1 Namlea by using the cooperative approach model STAD SDN 1 Namlea. The benefits of the research are (a) The results of this study are expected that teachers at SDN 1 Namlea and students have knowledge of the STAD model cooperative approach theory as one form of information. This type of research is a class act that is recycled / cycles, which includes planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Data obtained by teacher observation, student observation, end of the cycle test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant increase, both in the activities of teachers and students in appreciating fiction using the STAD type cooperative learning model. This increase can be seen in each cycle. Cycle one qualification is Poor (K), Cycle two is Good qualification (B), Cycle three is Very Good (SB). The conclusion of this research is to use the STAD model cooperative approach in learning to appreciate fiction in determining the theme of the story, the character of the story, the place of the story, the storyline and the mandate of the story in SD 1 Namlea students has increased. Research suggestions are expected to all governments involved in education so that learning can improve in schools, the right method is used.
doi:10.35542/ fatcat:cse4ajmzzndsxf7boox3d5dfii