Thermal fermionic dispersion relations in a magnetic field

Per Elmfors, David Persson, Bo-Sture Skagerstam
1996 Nuclear Physics B  
The thermal self-energy of an electron in a static uniform magnetic field B is calculated to first order in the fine structure constant α and to all orders in eB. We use two methods, one based on the Furry picture and another based on Schwinger's proper-time method. As external states we consider relativistic Landau levels with special emphasis on the lowest Landau level. In the high-temperature limit we derive self-consistent dispersion relations for particle and hole excitations, showing the
more » ... hiral asymmetry caused by the external field. For weak fields, earlier results on the ground- state energy and the anomalous magnetic moment are discussed and compared with the present analysis. In the strong-field limit the appearance of a field-independent imaginary part of the self-energy, related to Landau damping in the e^+e^- plasma, is pointed out.
doi:10.1016/0550-3213(96)00042-9 fatcat:zemmimkcnzfafphxscxmztijfq