Evaluation of the agricultural advisers' knowledge and assessment of the entrance expectations coefficient

J. Andrýsková, T. Foltýnek
2012 Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON)  
Agricultural consultancy is the only way how to reach the money from the governmental or European sources for the most of the farmers. Therefore, education and competences of agricultural adviser forms one of the direct determinants of farmers economical success. This fact produces demand of the agricultural advisers’ knowledge measurement and press for their increasing. The AAC (Agriculture Advisory Competency) is a measurable value indicating the adviser’s knowledge and
more » ... Its purpose is to show the expected quality of potential consultancy services depending on the agricultural adviser’s education, experience, frequency of the knowledge improvement and past outcomes of his/her work. If the existence of the MAP (Management Advisory Portal) overviewing all adviser’s activity and managing the complex educational process including the knowledge testing is supposed, the value of the AAC can be assessed and actualized continuously, based on the fixed criteria. The assessment of the multidimensional model for the initial value calculation and its following actualization depending on the events invoked by every adviser individually or coming from the outside was the subject of the research.
doi:10.17221/5043-agricecon fatcat:bhstkukxvvgkjpgpbjiyk7qsva