The Present Age
Scientific American
J gazed upon h er lo vely fo rm, In asn<)wy vest enshrouded ; Ere stern affliction pierced her soul, Or her young life's su nshine clouded . I watched her, in her beauty's pride, At the altar meekly kneel ing, And mark'd the pale, p ell uc id drop O'er her timid blusbes stealing. As she left the holy tem ple, Where her youthfu l vows were pl ighted , She knew not th at those vows were vain , Her earli€st visions blighted. Around h er gay, yet placid mien, Was a smile serenely playing ; The
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... of fu ture happiness, And her present bliss betrayillg. No m ark s of i"wdrd bitterness, Her joyous heart o'edlowi ng ; Or thought to chIll th e glowing wal'mth Of affecti on's sacred gl owi ng . With glisten i n g locks of raven hue Was h er peaceful brow o'ersh aded ; Reflectp.d In h er radiant eye, The hope that n eve r faded . Alas, how transient beauty's reign , And Ti me's h urried course how /lpeting, Where is the gl adsom e bosom now, With holy ardor beati n g ? Where, oh where is the spotless gem, Each gloomy hour b egu i li ng ? Whel'e, in the bloom oi brid al you'h, Is the Queen of Beauty smilin g ? Where th e Ilowrets gem the lowly heath, A nd the gracetu l willows weeping ; Lo w, 'neath the dew.bespangled turf, The Orp han Bride is sleep i ng. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Eleotrlo Cloek. I ROlll an 1Ilosalo ltIanu1'aetory. Milch has bee n said a:Jout an electric clock , I No c h ange appears to have taken pl ace in especially the one i n v e nted by Mr. Rain of Ed-I the mode of manufacture foll owed there during inburgh, and which rel( u late and works by one the bst 200 years. A pl at e , generally of ill that city oth ers in Glasgow , Perth and Ayr. m etal , of the size of the p ic t u �e to be co pied , We therefore present a description of it taken is fi rst s llrrounded by margin ab out three from a foreign exch ange :_ fourths of all i n ch fr om it� surface . This is Th e clock is enc losed ill a neat oak caRe, then covered over w i th a c oati ng of perr.. aps about four and a half fe et in h e igh t, an d on e on e-fo urth of an inch in thickn ess of mastic foot fo u r inches wide. Its fac e is of am ple di-cem ent-com posed of powdered Traverti ne m ensions , very pla i n i n ap pearance, and is fur-stone, lime, and li nseed oil. This is, when n ished with second, minute and hour h an ds, set , entirely covered with plaRter of Paris, i n all respects similar to th ose of the usual ris i n g to a level '", i th the s lirroundi n g m argi n, co nstructi on . Th e pen dulum is of the same which is in te nded to be exactly that of the lengt h as that of the ord i nary old fashio n ed fi n ished mosaic. On this is traced a very e ight-d ay clocks. Here, howev er, analogy careful outline of the p i ct u re to be copied , ceases. It IS true, there are some w heels a nd and, w i th a fi ne chissel , just as m u ch is re pinions to move the hands, and afiord accu-moved t r om time to time, as wi ll ad mit of t h e rate indications of the d i v i si on and p l'ogl'eiis i lMe rtio n of the little p i�ces of gl ass m osai c, of time ; but these are fe w in number , and do or as the I talian ca ll it, " sm al to." This their work in a mann er total ly differe nt fro m sm al to is c om p osed of gl ass , and is m ade i n those in other kI nds of c lock s.