Short Range Phenomena: Modeling, Computational Aspects and Applications

Carlo Cattani, Ming Li, Cristian Toma
2008 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
In the recent years, the mathematical formalism of impulsive systems based on impulsive differential equations has tried to join together the rigorous aspects from continuous systems formalism and the wide range of applications of discrete systems formalism. They were introduced to handle many evolution processes which are subject to singular shortterm perturbations. Abrupt changes must be approached with logical, mathematical, and technical aspects dealing with the final evolution of such
more » ... sive sources, whose effects are entirely transferred to the new state of the systems. Modern aspects in physics quantum theory and mathematics wavelets, fractal theory should be expedient in modelling short range phenomena, and describing dynamics of perturbations and transitions in natural systems advanced materials science and advanced systems optic, electronic, and quantum devices . The aim of this special issue is to present recent advances of theoretical, computational, and practical aspects for modeling short range phenomena in order to reveal new fundamental aspects in science and engineering. Using mathematical tools of wavelets analysis, fractal theory, and applied mathematics signal processing, numerical simulations, control theory adapted for short range phenomena, significant results were obtained in the research fields of structure analysis and image recognition, wavelets analysis of localised space-time phenomena, dynamical and computational aspects of pulse measurement, sequences of pulses and time series, and mathematical and physical aspects of pulse generation. This special issue involves 15 original papers, selected by the editors so as to present the most significant results in the previously mentioned topics. These papers are organised as follows.
doi:10.1155/2008/761081 fatcat:od4t55bqtvbvjbqanmdtvhf4mm