Elaboration d'une approche multicritère pour la recherche de sites de décharges contrôlées de classe 1 au Maroc

Hinde Cherkaoui Dekkaki, Johanna Lanoue
2018 Déchets, sciences et techniques  
In this paper, we propose a multicriteria approach allowing the selection of Class 1 landfill sites, which receive household and similar waste, taking into account the environmental constraints and the orientations of urban planning documents while remaining in line with the Moroccan laws texts, essentially the law 28.00. For its application, we opted for the province of Tetouan located in the North of Morocco. The approach adopted is based on a succession of three major steps : (1) Systematic
more » ... nventory of the environment and associated activities, (2) Identification of free surfaces and (3) Site selection. At the end of this work, our initial goal was achieved, the potential regulated landfill site for the province of Tetouan was selected. The standardization of this approach in order to apply it to various other areas constitutes a valuable gain of time. Its application on other zones in order to validate the relevance of the parameters retained and the robustness of the applied rating system constitutes our main perspective.
doi:10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.3742 fatcat:il5vuw6mdjerle6dcqmvysuvb4