Comparative Analysis for Numerical Modeling of Tidal Current on Geum River Estuary
금강하구 해역에 대한 조류 수치모델링의 비교 해석

Sung-Jun Kang, Young-Ki Park
2010 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
The semi-implicit scheme proposed by Backhaus is introduced to solve two-dimensional shallow water equation. This mothod is applied for the numerical model solving surface elevation and velocity field of Geum River estuary. For the verification of the method, numerical solutions by this model are compared with ones by Heap's well known explicit model. Solutions of two models resemble each other. The time-step chosen for the semi-implicit scheme turned out to be 3 to 6 times longer than explicit
more » ... model depending on the stringent CFL criterion. The computation time could be reduced at least 50%. It was proved that this scheme is easy to handle dry banks which can be seen in Geum River estuary and numerical stability is obtained for long time computation.
doi:10.5762/kais.2010.11.9.3583 fatcat:aizjno6przcuraoepuf6ybb5ku